Lead Screenings

Lead screenings are important to keep you and your family healthy.

Why your children need to get screened

Exposure to lead, a toxic metal, can be dangerous. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children have a higher risk for lead poisoning than adults. Their bodies take in more lead than adults’ bodies do.

Lead poisoning can harm children’s brains and nervous systems. Children also come into contact with more lead because they can touch something that contains lead and then put their hands in their mouths.

Ask your doctor to check lead levels in your children between the ages of 12 and 24 months. Get your child tested for lead poisoning even if they seem healthy. A blood test can be done by a finger prick in your doctor’s office or at a lab. If the results are higher than a certain level, it will be important to bring your child back for a blood sample from a vein.

Home-delivered meals for children with elevated blood lead levels

Children age 2 years and older with elevated blood lead levels can get home-delivered meals. For more information, call Member Services at 1-833-764-7700 (TTY 1-833-889-6446).

Know your environment

Lead can be found in:

  • Dust and soil
  • Pipes in homes built before 1986.
  • Older toys and play jewelry
  • Paint in homes built before 1978
  • Metal window blinds
  • Imported herbal or folk remedies, foods, and spices
  • Cosmetics

Protect your family

You’re not powerless against lead. Here’s what you can do to keep your family safe:

  • Make sure children eat healthy foods and snacks.
  • Clean your home regularly.
  • Wipe children’s hands and remove their shoes after playing outdoors.
  • Use cold water to prepare food and drinks.
  • Clean floors with a damp mop each week.
  • Don’t let children play in dirt.
  • Wipe down flat surfaces, such as windowsills, weekly with a damp paper towel.
  • Wash pacifiers, toys, or bottles that fall on the floor.

For more information about lead screenings or for help scheduling an appointment, call Member Services at 1-833-764-7700 (TTY 1-833-889-6446).