Your Responsibilities

As a member of AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio, you agree to:

Give AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio and your providers all the information they need to provide care.

  • Show your member ID card when using health care services and inform AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio if you lose your ID card.
  • Provide your PCPs and other providers with accurate and complete medical information.
  • Let AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio and your providers know if you have changes.

Follow your doctor’s care instructions and treat your health care providers with kindness and respect.

  • Keep your appointments. If you must cancel, call as soon as you can.
  • Ask questions.
  • Let your providers know if there are any reasons why you cannot follow their treatment plan.
  • Treat health care staff with respect. Contact Member Services if you have any problems with health care staff.

Learn as much as you can about your health so you can play an active role in your care.

  • Be aware of the benefits and services available through AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio and how to use them.
  • If you have questions or require additional information, contact AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio Member Services or speak to your PCP.
  • Ask for more explanation if you do not understand your doctor’s instructions.